An update has been provided on the 54-year-old man who was involved in the recent Downley crossbow shooting.

Between 7pm and 8pm on Friday, May 10, reports were made to Thames Valley Police that a man in his 60s had been stabbed along School Close in the village.

Numerous armed officers visited the scene where they saw a man running along the street with a weapon, moments after the stabbing had occurred.

A video obtained by the Free Press then shows the suspect shooting his crossbow at another person, which later turned out to be an officer.

The 54-year-old was then gunned down by a member of the force.

Concerned neighbours along School Close revealed that the suspect was put in the back of an ambulance via a stretcher wearing an oxygen mask, before they were taken to a nearby hospital.

The man in his 60s who was stabbed, along with the officer who was shot with the crossbow, were also taken to hospital for treatment but were discharged that same evening.

A statement published on May 10 confirmed that the crossbow shooter had arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, whilst also suffering ‘potentially life-changing injuries’.

And on Tuesday, May 14, Thames Valley Police confirmed that the ‘suspect remains in hospital in a stable condition.’

A police cordon was put in place following the incident, before it was relaxed in the evening of Saturday, May 11 and in the morning of Sunday, May 12.

The only area that remains off-limits to the public is the house belonging to the alleged shooter.

Images show that the property in question has had two of its front windows smashed, whilst blood remains on one of the neighbouring front doors, four days after the incident took place.

Senior investigating officer Detective Superintendent Kevin Brown, head of our Major Crime Unit, said: “We are investigating this incident as an absolute priority with numerous officers and members of staff involved. An arrest has already been made and we are not looking for anyone else.

“I would like to appeal for anyone who witnessed any part of the incident who is yet to speak to police to please do so as soon as possible.

“The incident occurred at a busy time of day so we’re sure there are likely to be many witnesses and people with information, pictures or footage relating to the incident.

 “The incident occurred at a busy time of day so I’m sure there are likely to be many witnesses and people with information, pictures or footage relating to the incident.

“If you were in School Close, the nearby park or the surrounding area from 5.45pm yesterday, please get in touch.”