A TikTok video has gone viral with more than 1 million views in 24 hours as High Wycombe residents are asked what their least favourite thing about the town is.

What do you think the worst – or best – thing about High Wycombe is? Rob Colfer, a social media creator with over 140k followers on TikTok, took to the streets of the Bucks town recently to find out.

He spoke to a number of people in and around the High Street in the video, which was uploaded yesterday (May 15) and painted an interesting portrait of the town, to say the least.

While a few passersby turned out to be non-starters, umming and ahhing instead of answering Rob’s questions, those who did offer a response on their favourite or least favourite things didn’t have much good to say about their hometown.

One person said their favourite thing about Wycombe was “absolutely nothing” and their least favourite thing “everything”, while another said: “There is literally nothing about (the town) that is great”.

In one particularly awkward encounter, a man stares off into the middle distance after being asked for his least favourite thing about the town – only offering up “the steepness of the hills when I’m trying to cycle” after a lengthy silence.

A consequent compliment from Rob about the strength of his thighs doesn't go down well, either. 


@robcolf #highwycombe #buckinghamshire #bestofrobcolf #beaconsfield #slough ♬ original sound - Rob Colfer

READ MORE: Arriva announces plans to close High Wycombe bus depot

Two other residents claimed their least favourite thing about Wycombe is “the shops”, with one adding: “There’s not much here, to be honest”.

The other says they would like to see more businesses like KFC in the area – cue a shot of the takeaway shop just metres away in Frogmore and a sardonic ending line from the TikTok star: “There’s a KFC right there”.

The comments on the video didn’t strike a much more optimistic tone, with one person writing: “Petition to put a dome over High Wycombe like (in) The Simpsons Movie”, while another said: “(I’m) convinced High Wycombe is the most depressing place to live”.

Some defended the town, however, with one person insisting: “It isn’t all bad, whatever people say about the place. It’s home”.